Wednesday, June 8, 2016

USA April Red Meat Exports below Last Year; Year-to-Date Volumes Steady

Through the first four months of 2016, both pork and beef exports were steady with last year’s pace in volume, but fell 9 percent and 13 percent, respectively, in value. Beef exports totaled 88,190 mt in April, down 4 percent from a year ago, while export value fell 13 percent to $481 million. Through the first four months of the year, beef exports were 343,176 mt valued at $1.84 billion.
April exports accounted for 13 percent of total beef production and 10 percent for muscle cuts only, each down about 1 percentage point from last year. For January-April, these ratios were down slightly from a year ago at 12.5 percent and 9.5 percent. Export value averaged $252.42 per head of fed slaughter in April – down 15 percent from a year ago but the highest of 2016. January-April export value averaged $245.56 per head, down 16 percent.

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