Monday, June 13, 2016

Australian lamb prices and recent rise in the lamb indicator

Given the Australian trade lamb indicator has risen to over $6 per kg carcase weight, the chart below shows the 10 year trend line and the fluctuations. The line indicates current trend value of $5.60 per kg and the most recent peak was $6.71 in March 2011.
Lamb prices over the whole series of the indicator published by MLA commencing in 1998 shows a similar trend value currently of around $5.50 kg carcase weight. The earlier peak in the full 18 year series was $5.37 per kg in August 2004. agInfo is now collating both a yield weighted retail lamb cutout based on Woolworth's weekly catalogue prices as well as regular export heavier lamb indicator based on the Monday USA imported lamb price report published by USDA.

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