Friday, June 3, 2016

Foot and mouth disease preparedness Australia

The final report from Exercise Odysseus has been released today, providing a positive assessment of Australia’s most significant foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) response exercise.

“FMD is the most significant disease threat to our livestock industries and we are very fortunate to be free from it,” Ms O’Connell said.

“It was estimated that a medium to large outbreak of FMD in Australia could cost the Australian economy more than AUD$50 billion over ten years.

“Australia already has well-established biosecurity systems that safeguard our industry and environment from diseases like FMD, but these systems are backed by continual improvement and the best-available evidence.

“As the final report highlights, Exercise Odysseus has supported industry and government to be better prepared to successfully implement and manage a national livestock standstill, which is a key part of our strategy to eradicate FMD, if there was an incursion.

“There is also now an increased awareness among potentially affected stakeholders of the importance, roles and potential impacts of a national livestock standstill and an outbreak of FMD.

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