Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Chinese pork farmers enjoy the recent high prices

USDA report in their Chinese GAIN report http://goo.gl/3BSrrT on oilseeds that recent very high pork prices have seen farmer returns surge ahead.
"Pork prices and the price ratio between grain and hog hit a record high in mid-April and then climbed higher to11.2:1 in mid-May. According to an independent industry source, this contributed to historical profit margins for swine farmers which range from RMB1,000 ($154) to 1,500 ($230)/head. Farmers are actively increasing swine inventory, up 0.6 percent in April from the previous month and sow inventory up 0.3 percent. For instance, in Sichuan Province despite the high price for piglets, total swine inventory increased by 2.3 percent by the end of April over the previous month. Most officials and industry leaders believe the current high pork price/profit is compensation to the sector which experienced heavy losses in the past few years. The growing trend in the swine sector is expected to continue for the rest of 2016 as the current sow inventory is still below the level of the past five years." source: USDA Oilseeds and Products Update 5/31/2016 Number: CH16035

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