Monday, August 1, 2016

History of the Russian ban on Australian meat

Australian Department of Agriculture meat notice 2014-05 confirmed the relevant ban which excludes sheepmeat, goatmeat and offals of those species. The ban has been extended and total beef exports to CIS (Russia) as recently as the fiscal year ended June 2013 were 24.372 tonnes. The Russian publication TASS reported analysts estimate losses of Western countries from sanctions at $60.2 bln. Australia has managed to continue to supply quantities of sheepmeat, goatmeat and relevant offals. Year to June 2016 figures below.
Exports of sheepmeat to Russia in the fiscal year to June 2016 are less than half the level of 6,088 tonnes to CIS for year end June 2013. A publication estimates the losses to a range of supplying countries of the EU. A Reuters article last week indicated Russia in efforts to remove sanctions imposed by the EU.

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