Wednesday, August 17, 2016

FAO - Technical advances could be the key to progress in the Puerto Rican livestock industry

"Puerto Rican livestock producers of beef only represent a10% of this market, despite the huge potential for growth", said the president of the Farmers Association, Héctor Iván Cordero."This is an industry that, if given the attention it needs, has a bright future," he pointed out.
FAO maintains a service to cover Latin America and the Caribbean. The full publication in Spanish is here. "What has to be done is to standardize the industry and bring about the changes through regulations. The most important livestock sector in Puerto Rico is the milk. It represents 25% to 29% of the agricultural gross income although in recent years has been in decline. The meat is not in the same place because it is a sector that has not been properly exploited, but the potential is tremendous, "said the president of the Farmers Association. According to the last agricultural census of Puerto Rico, made in 2012, on the island there are 2,276 farms with beef cattle. In these there are about 96,000 head of cattle, representing an increase of 30% compared to 2007.

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