Thursday, July 28, 2016

Argentina positioning its meat trade for future growth

After some years of confused and sometimes counterproductive policies, the government of Argentina is seeking to boost its meat export efforts. "Under the Seminar Carne Argentina 2030, Livestock we all win, organized by the Institute for the Promotion of Beef Argentina (IPCVA), members of the Consortium of Meat Exporters Argentinas ABC exposed on the prospects and main challenges meatpacking industry for the next decade." News article "2025 show an increase in the slaughter of 29%, reaching 16 million head, and an increase of 47% in production, projected at 4 million tons of meat. In terms of consumption, it would remain stable at 2.5 million tons, and expect exports will reach 1.5 million tons, representing 7.000 billion. In this way, our country would be among the top 5 exporters of beef. "
June export values dropped 21% from June 2015 according to IPCVA. "the average price per ton FOB was approximately us $ 9,400 for chilled boneless cuts; and us $ 4,450 for frozen boneless cuts. "
"China was the main destination, in volume, for meat Argentina vaccine during the first six months of 2016 with approximately 26,2 thousand tons, followed by Israel, 11,300 tons; and then by Germany, 11.0 thousand tons. As for the value of the foreign exchange, the main market for the period from January to June 2016 was Germany, which accounts for (28%) of the value total exports of chilled beef, frozen and processed in the period, followed by China (21% of total), and Israel (14%)."

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