Monday, May 23, 2016

Tanzania. THE government has pledged to build modern abattoirs

THE government has pledged to build modern abattoirs, to ensure meat slaughtered in the country meets the quality and standard of the external market.

Along with the pledge, it was also revealed that over 84m/- has been spent on renovations at Vingunguti abattoir, while the same amount was lost each month since May as expected revenues following the closure of the slaughter house.

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner (RC), Mr Paul Makonda, made the remarks in Dar es Salaam yesterday during the re-opening of Vingunguti abattoir, citing poor quality and excessive dirt as reasons for not exporting the country’s meat to external markets.

He also said that the increase of livestock such as cattle, goats and sheep at the abattoir from the present number of 5,000 to 10,000 will promote meat processing industries. In line with that business, there will also be an increase of skin which will facilitate the manufacturing of items such as shoes and handbags.

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