Friday, May 27, 2016

Sustainable beef - Walmart expands monitoring system to 100% of the beef sold in Brazil

"The certainty of making the purchase of a quality meat and produced within social and environmental criteria, such as deforestation and slave labor, is already a reality for customers of Walmart Brazil. The company, which is the first and only retailer to monitor 100% of the meat coming from Amazon, today announced the expansion of its monitoring program satellite beef to Brazil."Since the beginning of the year, we monitor 100% of the farms that supply meat to refrigerators with plants in the Amazon. After this successful experience, we will expand our program to the whole country, "announces Adriana Muratore, commercial vice president and marketing of Walmart Brazil.A pioneer in the Brazilian retail market, the Monitoring System and Risk Management of Walmart Beef is the result of five years of work and an investment of R $ 1 million. Its differential integrate into a single system satellite data to map deforestation, indigenous lands and protected areas, in addition to information from public lists of embargoed and slave labor areas. The tool is proprietary, developed by AgroTools."

Walmart Brazil sustainable beef

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