Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Do pigs fly? China pork prices take wing...

Hog prices today, pork price May 31, 2016 hog prices nationwide latest market forecast charts

The image says it all with a pig flying above clouds. Anyone who knows China will know how sensitive high pork prices are. I will never forget seeing the lines of people in front of a Carrefour store in Shanghai waiting to buy pork. Above link is translated by Google.

the text in brief:
"[Hog prices today, pork price May 31, 2016 hog prices nationwide latest market forecast Chart] Today, the national average price outside three yuan 21.24 yuan / kg, and yesterday the national average price of 21.24 yuan outside the three yuan / kg unchanged, compared with the previous week 23 year 21.05 yuan / kg increase 0.19 yuan / kg, up 0.90%; today's pig is easy to index 161.53, up 0.06 pigs easily index down 161.59, down "

Friday, May 27, 2016

Lamb production and the CRC

The Sheep and Lamb CRC has produced a recent video on lamb cutting.

another useful link:

Sustainable beef - Walmart expands monitoring system to 100% of the beef sold in Brazil

"The certainty of making the purchase of a quality meat and produced within social and environmental criteria, such as deforestation and slave labor, is already a reality for customers of Walmart Brazil. The company, which is the first and only retailer to monitor 100% of the meat coming from Amazon, today announced the expansion of its monitoring program satellite beef to Brazil."Since the beginning of the year, we monitor 100% of the farms that supply meat to refrigerators with plants in the Amazon. After this successful experience, we will expand our program to the whole country, "announces Adriana Muratore, commercial vice president and marketing of Walmart Brazil.A pioneer in the Brazilian retail market, the Monitoring System and Risk Management of Walmart Beef is the result of five years of work and an investment of R $ 1 million. Its differential integrate into a single system satellite data to map deforestation, indigenous lands and protected areas, in addition to information from public lists of embargoed and slave labor areas. The tool is proprietary, developed by AgroTools."

Walmart Brazil sustainable beef

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Beef and lamb AHDB United Kingdom

Beef and lamb bitesize

The latest from the beef and lamb industry in under five minutes.
Market intelligence on current trends and prices, news and events, insights, Ask AHDB and more - it's all here in one easily digestible chunk!

Danish Crown reports first half 2015-2016

I tend to agree with the Danish Crown motto on the front page of their annual report.

Danish Crown one of the global pork majors reported recently and seemed relatively satisfied with results.
Danish Crown posted a net profit of DKK 819 million for the first six months of the 2015/16 financial year.
Jais Valeur, new President and CEO of the global food group which is domiciled in Randers, Denmark, but which has activities and sales in more than 130 countries, is reasonably satisfied with the results:
- The retail market is extremely competitive, it is dominated by ever-larger chains, and it is characterised by an increasing focus on discount products and a constant demand from consumers for lower prices. This is putting pressure both on livestock farmers and on the prices paid to farmers in general. Seen in this light, posting results which are marginally below those for the prior-year period is satisfactory, says Jais Valeur.


USA Government Accountability Office on the meat industry 2016

Covers meat industry workplace health and safety and issues with hazards and injuries as well as recommendations to Department of Labor.

Additional Data Needed to Address Continued Hazards in the Meat and Poultry Industry

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The basis of Australian cattle prices - the unit price of exported beef.

Australian beef export earnings have climbed in recent years according to quarterly ABS figures. The important thing is what is the unit value or the effective price per kilogram. This in fact is the starting point for working out what can be paid for cattle. We have a lot of figures produced but far too little are actually used to look at vital metrics. The trend is only gradually up over a period of 16 years. They are now under the trend value of AUD$5.50 per kilogram FAS port.

A view from the barnyard - quaint description of USA House Agriculture committee hearing

NCBA President Testifies on the Farm Economy
WASHINGTON (May 24, 2016) – Today, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Tracy Brunner testified before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture. Brunner, a fourth generation rancher and cattle feeder from the Flint Hills area of Kansas, stressed to the subcommittee that over-regulation poses the greatest threat to the profitability of cattle producers.
“Today we ask for no direct action from our government in our cattle marketing systems and forums,” said Brunner. “The cattle industry relies on the transparency of price discovery to send clear signals up and down the beef supply chain. We have recognized the volatility in the cattle futures market and we are working directly with the CME Group to find ways to address it. Our joint NCBA/CME working group is analyzing potential changes to ensure the markets work for producers who are using these tools to manage their market risks. Without futures contract integrity, our industry will abandon the use of these markets as a risk management tool.”

National Cattlemen's Beef Association testimony

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Approves Five-Year Strategic Plan

OVERIJSSEL, Netherlands, May 16, 2016 – A five-year strategic plan was approved by a unanimous vote from the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Board of Directors at the GRSB Semi-Annual Board Meeting in Chicago, Illinois last month. The Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2021 was developed to ensure the success of the organization, providing a framework for prioritizing goals and objectives that will guide the work of the GRSB, its members, board and staff, in meeting various challenges and opportunities ahead.

5 year plan

Canada has its own version


who are the members

includes a quaintly titled in true Euro speak groups of "Civil Society".

Monday, May 23, 2016

Robotics and the meat industry

JBS recently purchased a controlling interest in New Zealand based and Australian active Scott Technology.

This development with China and Germany may be a game changer.

China's Midea bids $5.2b for Germany's Kuka.

China faces surging labour costs and an ageing population; one answer is to bring in the machines. a 13.5% stake in Kuka, values the German robotics firm at about euro;4.6 billion ($5.2 billion)


Tanzania. THE government has pledged to build modern abattoirs

THE government has pledged to build modern abattoirs, to ensure meat slaughtered in the country meets the quality and standard of the external market.

Along with the pledge, it was also revealed that over 84m/- has been spent on renovations at Vingunguti abattoir, while the same amount was lost each month since May as expected revenues following the closure of the slaughter house.

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner (RC), Mr Paul Makonda, made the remarks in Dar es Salaam yesterday during the re-opening of Vingunguti abattoir, citing poor quality and excessive dirt as reasons for not exporting the country’s meat to external markets.

He also said that the increase of livestock such as cattle, goats and sheep at the abattoir from the present number of 5,000 to 10,000 will promote meat processing industries. In line with that business, there will also be an increase of skin which will facilitate the manufacturing of items such as shoes and handbags.



Sunday, May 22, 2016

Where’s the beef? Matsusaka looks to carve out a name for itself

Where’s the beef? Matsusaka looks to carve out a name for itself
Mie Prefecture's meat industry seeks to promote its prime marbled cuts worldwide.


EU beef and veal market situation report May 2016

Fact packed report  with figures on production and exports, imports.

EU Beef and veal monthly report

Japan lifts ban on imports of Italian beef

After 15 years, Japan lifted an embargo on Italian beef, following an earlier opening of its market to beef products from other EU Member States (France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark and Sweden).

According to Commissioners Vytenis Andriukaitis, Cecilia Malmström and Phil Hogan, responsible respectively for food safety, trade and agriculture, "The fact that Japan continues to approve beef exports from EU Member States is a great success of the European trade diplomacy. All Commission services, together with the EU Delegation to Japan, have been working towards opening of the Japanese market for EU beef and beef products from all EU countries interested in exports. We look forward to seeing Japan opening its market to beef from the rest of the EU in the near future."

Japan introduced an import ban on beef from the EU in 2001, referring to an alleged risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). This measure went beyond the international standards set by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and did not take into account the stringent control and surveillance measures in place in the European Union guaranteeing the safety of European beef and beef products.

This decision sends an encouraging signal to the remaining EU Member States that have applied to export beef to Japan, and whose equally high level of food safety has been internationally recognised by the World Organisation for Animal health (OIE).


ABP senior leadership changes Ireland

Planned retirement of Paul Finnerty as Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO)http://www.farmersjournal.ie/abp-chief-executive-paul-finnerty-to-retire-209238

Saturday, May 21, 2016

NAFTA beef trade - USA, Canada, Mexico

Mexico is now a major supplier to USA of beef. Quote: "total beef exports from Mexico began increasing in 2009 and have increased from about 28,000 metric tons in 2008 to over 161,000 metric tons in 2015, a nearly six-fold increase. "

According to USDA weekly beef import figures, Mexico shipments to week 20 in 2016 amount to 64,697 tonnes. This is up 13% on the same period in 2015 and Mexico is number 4 beef shipper to USA after Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Only Canada and Mexico have seen increases in beef imports to USA in 2016.

In contrast to Australia, NZ and Canada, Mexico is shipping an increasing volume of beef cuts to USA. However, USDA classify the major volume of beef primals in their import figures under the heading of primals and sub-primals.

The Mexico firm SuKarne is expanding its operation and has a massive feedlot complex.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Continuing strong trend in Japanese domestic chilled beef

The chart indicates price trends and volume for fullset Japan grade 3 for full set in the Tokyo market. Prices have trended up from 3701 Yen in February to 4304 Yen per kg latest market.


The price two years ago in May 2014 was only 2740 Yen per kg. That is a rise of 57% over that period.

Dubious study with global warming alarmists targetting meat - again

The study seems to ask questions which they are already answering in early paragraphs: "The “Plates, Pyramids, Planet” report evaluates government-issued food guidelines from across the globe, looking in particular at whether they make links to environmental sustainability in addition to promoting good eating habits. "

It is fair to say that environmental groups and a gathering array of nanny state pundits want to drive a large productive section of rural economies out of business. I just hope Australia is not contributing to the FAO shadow projects.

Another FAO shadow project

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bombay High Court upholds Maharashtra Animals Preservation Amendment Act

Act paragraph
“ and preservation of cows, bulls and bullocks useful for milch, breeding,draught or agricultural purposes and for restriction on slaughter for thepreservation of certain other animals suitable for the said purposes”

Maharashtra Animals Preservation Amendment Act


The ban on beef will continue in Maharashtra after the Bombay High Court today upheld the state government's decision to ban the slaughter of bullocks.
The court, however, struck down a section in the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act, which criminalises the possession of beef brought from outside Maharashtra.
The High Court was hearing a bunch of petitions challenging the constitutional validity of the ban imposed last year soon after the BJP government took over.

Taiwan reopens for U.S. lamb

For the first time since 2003, U.S. lamb and lamb products have regained access to Taiwan. Dennis Stiffler, chief executive officer of Mountain States Rosen, a producer-owned and operated processor and distributor of lamb and veal products, thanked U.S. agricultural and trade officials for their efforts to restore market access for U.S. lamb and said the announcement provides a much-needed lift for U.S. lamb exports.

Taiwan back in the market for US lamb

Abu Dhabi Dining: From Sushi Beside the Sea to Affordable Spiced Lamb

Abu Dhabi is a city with spectacular architecture and beautiful hotels. But let's face it: It's hardly known as a dining destination.
Fortunately, you can eat very well in the capital of the United Arab Emirates: From sushi to camel burgers, there's an international range of food on offer. Rooftop cocktail bars are another attraction.

Australian firm Samex Australian Meat are processing camels for export from their South Australian Peterborough plant.


World’s biggest beef producer plans to move its HQ to Ireland

World’s biggest beef producer plans to move its HQ to Ireland
JBS's Moy Park has a presence in Northern Ireland - but the new company will set up south of the border


The giant Brazilian food processing company, JBS, is to spin off its international businesses into a new entity based in the Republic of Ireland.

JBS is the parent company of Moy Park - the chicken processors who employ thousands in Northern Ireland - and it is the world's biggest beef producer.

The Irish News reports that Ireland's 12.5% corporation tax is believed to have been a significant factor in convincing the company to come to the 26 counties.

Northern Ireland has been granted to power to match Dublin's rate, but this will happen during April 2018 at the earliest.

The new firm will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange and will be called JBS Foods International.

According to the Wall Street Journal's reports, the firm is yet to decide on an exact location.

Moy Park is one of Northern Ireland's largest employers, it has created over 6,000 jobs.

The Angus Report, May 16, 2016: CattleFax Market Update

What fed carcass weights and yield grade trends mean among feeders, CattleFax Market Analyst Lance Zimmerman explains. Visit www.cattlefax.com to learn more or www.angus.media to continue watching this episode.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Progressive Australian Meat Exports - shipments to May 16, 2016

Australian Department of Agriculture meat export statistics to 16 May 2016 show total beef and veal exports at 51,596 tonnes, lamb at 11,000 tonnes and mutton at 5,925 tonnes.
Beef looks promising as total beef and veal for the month of April 2016 was 86,527 tonnes. Lamb and mutton seem to be following the April trend volumes.

meat exports update Department of Agriculture Australia

Chile - meat production update

Meat production in Chile is led by poultry, which is highly integrated and is concentrated in a small number of producers, reaching 675 thousand tons.Second is the production of pork, which has 237,000 players and reach 584 thousand tons, of which about 40% is exported. cattle production (200,000 tons), mainly for the domestic market and highly relevant, since it has about 120 thousand producers are then located.

Chile Office of Agricultural Studies - Spanish

United States open its market to Uruguayan exports of sheep meat with bone

Australia is the dominant supplier of fresh, chilled and frozen bone in and boneless lamb to USA. New Zealand is also a major supplier. Year to date Australian lamb arrivals in USA are up 28% to 22,353 tonnes with New Zealand up 9% to 8,465 tonnes. Bone in lamb is a major component of the retail and food service lamb mix and Uruguay will be a keen competitor.

Uruguay lamb story in Spanish

Livestock and Meat Commission - Northern Ireland update

BeeF sired calf registrations during April 2016 totalled 48,437 head
taking registrations for the year to date to 136,762 head. In the
corresponding period in 2015 beef sired calf registrations in NI totalled
114,601 head, representing a notable 19 per cent increase in registrations
year on year.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

March quarter beef export values ease 17 May 2016

Coupled with the strengthening A$, easing export prices and lower volumes, the value of Australian beef exports for the March quarter was $1.7 billion FOB – down 17% from the corresponding period in 2015.
Interestingly, despite the year-on-year decline in export volumes and prices, the March quarter value remained historically high and was 28% above the five-year average.
The average unit price for Australian beef averaged A$6.86/kg FOB for the quarter – back 1% year-on-year and 6% from the peak in the 2015 September quarter, which was in line with global price trends.


Leading Australian investment manager, QIC today announced it has signed an agreement(s) to acquire an 80 per cent interest in the North Australian Pastoral Company (NAP).
NAP is one of Australia’s oldest and largest agricultural enterprises covering 5.8 million hectares across Queensland and the Northern Territory and approximately 178,000 head of cattle. 
At the conclusion of the transaction, NAP’s largest shareholder, the Foster family will retain an interest in NAP of approximately 20 per cent.  Funds advised by QIC including Australian superannuation capital and the UK-based Pension Protection Fund (PPF) will hold approximately 80 per cent having acquired the remainder of the Foster family’s holding and the 34 per cent of NAP currently owned by UK-listed MP Evans.


Australia’s 10 favourite international cuisines

Chinese still our favourite cuisine, but for how much longer?


Australian big on BBQ

Is Australia the barbecue hotspot of the world?


Indonesian prices appear stable on the high side according to local Indonesian media

Prices seemed to have stabilized before Ramadan.

Aldi very active with Irish labelled and accredited beef in the home market

Aldi featuring Irish beef with domestic Irish accreditation