Thursday, March 2, 2023

ACCC and greenwashing

ACCC. ‘greenwashing’ internet sweep unearths widespread concerning claims. Of the 247 businesses reviewed during the sweep, 57 per cent were identified as having made concerning claims about their environmental credentials.

The cosmetic, clothing and footwear and food and drink sectors were found to have the highest proportion of concerning claims among the industries targeted in the operation. Other sectors examined also had a significant proportion of concerning claims.

"Our sweep indicates a significant proportion of businesses are making vague or unclear environmental claims. This warrants further scrutiny," ACCC Deputy Chair Catriona Lowe said. "Consumers are now, more than ever, making purchasing decisions on environmental grounds. Unfortunately, it appears that rather than making legitimate changes to their practices and procedures, some businesses are relying on false or misleading claims. This conduct harms not only consumers, but also those businesses taking genuine steps to implement more sustainable practices."

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