Sunday, August 13, 2017

Australian lamb consumption and perspective

There is current discussion about changes to lamb specification and it occurred to me to write up a story on some history of lamb and sheepmeat consumption in Australia. The key issue is the continued decline in lamb consumption to estimated current levels of 8.9 kilograms per head and 57% of carcase lamb production being exported.

In the 1973 ABS Yearbook, the section on agriculture and rural Australia contained the following statement: "in 1959-60, consumption of mutton and lamb at 103 lb per head of population, exceeded that of beef and veal for the first time on record." That is equivalent to almost 47 kgs per head. The graphic above indicates lamb consumption in 1972 at 54 lbs or 24.4 kgs per head of population. Exports as a percentage of production were only 12%. Current exports of lamb are highly successful and Australia attracts premiums and leading market position in many Asian countries as well as a major supplier to USA and Canada. While past glories of lamb consumption and promotion on the domestic market in Australia are behind us, it is our opinion that any change in lamb specification is unwise and could risk lamb's appeal in growing export markets and the very important home market in Australia. 

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