Saturday, September 10, 2016

Korean officials receive Brazilian trade delegation with an eye to beef exports

Brazilian minister targets Korean market for meat with initial success with Brazilian pork. It is expected that once Korean officials visit Brazilian pork processors, trade could commence in early 2017. In addition, the Brazilian are pushing hard for admission of Brazilian beef as noted by the trade association. "But the Minister Blairo asked the Korean government immediately initiate the process of approving the importation of Brazilian beef. He recalled that Brazil has just received approval from the US government, and is a traditional supplier of the European Union, which are among the most demanding markets in the world." KITA trade statistics indicate Korean fresh and frozen beef imports are running strongly in 2016 with increases in US$ value ranging from 13-17% higher than the same months in 2015 for June, July 2016.
Korea imported 620,000 tonnes of pork in 2016 and so far in 2016, pork imports total 372,000 tonnes. Korea imported 295,000 tonnes of beef in 2015 and so far in 2016, the rate of import has increased rapidly to 211,000 tonnes for only 6 months.

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