Thursday, April 20, 2017

Argentina's slow climb back to major protein exporter

An article in local media points to efforts of Argentina to regain its market share in red meat exports globally.
"At the beginning of the 2000s, Argentina was among the top five beef exporters in the world, only surpassed by great cattle powers such as the United States, Brazil and Australia.
However, during the last 17 years he has lost positions in that global ranking to the point that for this year it already ranks it in number 11, surpassed by nations like New Zealand, Canada, India, or partners in Mercosur: Uruguay And Paraguay. According to a document from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), for 2017 Argentina is reserved the 11th place, with a level of exports that will be about 250,000 tons, when a total of 9,641,000 tons of beef. According to the official agency of the United States, the three largest global suppliers this year will be India with 1,850,000 tons; Brazil with 1,800,000 tons and Australia with 1,400,000 tons."

In February 2017, beef exports totaled 18 thousand tons of product weight, equivalent to 25 thousand tons of beef, implying an increase of 10 percent over the final figure of the previous month, which fell to 23 thousand tons Weight res In the first two months of this year, shipments have remained firm and relatively stable. This is a consequence of the evolution of both chilled and frozen meat.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Australian lamb continues to do well in US market

Australian lamb continues to do well in the crowded retail and foodservice market in USA. USA Australian lamb arrivals to week 14 2017 were up 11% to 18,526 tonnes. Australian lamb was 73% of total arrivals of 25,233 tonnes compared with New Zealand lamb 26%. Only minor supplies from Canada and Iceland have been recorded.

"With the Easter holiday this weekend, lamb and veal retail activity sharply increased by 53.2%. The feature rate followed suit with an increase of 19%, while the special rate also rose by 0.2%. Lamb retail activity index
showed an increase of 60.4%. The amount of roasts showcased shot up by 82.9% while the amount of chops featured sank by 26.7%. Leg cuts, both bone-in and semi-boneless, were the most widely advertised item among the lamb features this week as the general price trend this period was steady to firm."
USDA retail report

3,845 million pounds (1,744 tonnes) of Australian and New Zealand were traded wholesale in USDA report for April 17 2017.

US Beef Board figures for 12 months to February 2017 show lamb at retail had a sales value of US$405 million, a rise of 1%. This compares with sales value falling 3.3% for beef and 6.6% for pork. Lamb volume for the 12 months at US retail (based on scan data) was almost 58 million pounds. Unit sales value of all lamb sold at retail was US$7.03 per lb.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Spanish bovine exports to Indonesia

Indonesia has tried a few different sources of imported beef and buffalo. These include Spain, which according to EU statistics, has exported over 500 tonnes of frozen bovine meat into Indonesia from June 2016 to December 2016. Unit values ranged from a low of Euro 3.34 to Euro 4.25 per kg in the last month of export in December. The latest value of 4.25 Euro is equivalent to 60,000 IDR. Spain is one of the larger EU beef processors after France and Germany. However, like other EU countries, a great deal of the bovine meat is produced from bulls. Ireland and the UK are unusual in that a large percentage of their beef comes from steers and heifers.

EU Meat Market Observatory - Beef & veal